Tuesday, March 30, 2010

American Christian couple deported from Morocco

They knew it was a possibility, but never really believed it would happen to them. Eddie and Lynn Padilla say their family was torn apart when the Moroccan government deported them and other Christian workers at an orphanage in the Islamic country. 

Now they worry about the future for little Samir and Mouhcine, the two Moroccan boys they were raising.  "If I think about it too much I just start crying. I look at their pictures and I just can't believe that I'm not with them," Lynn Padilla said.

She and her husband Eddie Padilla moved to Morocco 4 years ago to work at the Village of Hope in a rural area about 5 hours northeast of Casablanca. The orphanage in the village of Ain Leuh took in children who were usually abandoned because they were born out of wedlock. They are children who might have otherwise died or been left to fend for themselves living on the streets. MORE HERE

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